Friday, April 30, 2010

Take 10% Off your entire order for the month of May with Promo Code DSMAY10

We are offering our very first ever Storewide Sales Event. Take 10% off your Entire Order through the month of May with Promo Code DSMAY10. Please see the banner on our Home Page for details and restrictions. Be sure to pass this information along to your friends and family so they will be able to not only take advantage of the savings, but also purchase quality products that will contribute to their own Safety, Security and Survival.

Thank You!
Desert Shield Personal Safety

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This week marks Desert Shield Personal Safety's 5 year anniversary! We will be adding some great new items and special offers over the next few days so keep an eye out for the posts as we pass along some great deals for your Safety, Security and Survival needs.

To start, we are introducing our new line of SafeFamilyLife™ Kits that combine our most effective safety products with product instructional DVDs and manuals and new, extensively researched reports into special purpose "kits." This is an innovative, unique approach unlike anything currently available in the personal/family security field.

SafeFamilyLife™ is all about its name: giving families the information, education, motivation, resources and highest quality, affordable products they need to create a safe family life….at home, while traveling, for their children away at school, for their senior parents living alone.

As the economy suffers, more and more people are concerned about their safety. People still need help protecting themselves, their loved ones and their property. 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes. College age women are 4 times more likely to be assaulted.

Every 2 minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted.
One property crime happens every 3 seconds.
One burglary occurs every 10 seconds.
One violent crime occurs every 20 seconds.
One aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds.
One robbery occurs every 60 seconds, or 1 minute.

People are not provided with any training in Personal, Family and Home Security, and if they looked for products on their own, they had no one source and no knowledgeable assistance...until now. Simple, fact-based education on these matters can and does SAVE LIVES!

All products are non-lethal, safe and covered by warrantees.

Our objective in putting together these SafeFamilyLife™ safety kits is to provide people the power to be in control when placed in a precarious situation. The fact is, most of us are not prepared for these situations. We tend to become anxious, uneasy, worried, fearful and hesitant to perform our daily routine. Which in turn can easily alter our lives if we are not prepared. Our products provide you with the comfort and self-confidence you will need in order to defend and protect yourself and your family in life threatening situations. At the end of the day our products allow you to feel secure.